Corporate Bookings

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Jones Travel Corporate Booking is a customized, flexible one-stop online solution for corporate travel management. Clients’ needs can be integrated including travel policies, preferred supplier and negotiated rates, into one user-friendly, customized website for business travel shopping and booking.


The powerful administration module in JTL Corporate Booking provides the ability to use one central travel site to quickly assign specific policies to corporate clients, groups of employees, departments or business units.

JTL Corporate Bopking System

Take advantage of easy administration while enjoying increased control of your travel processes. Gives corporate travellers unparalleled choice over their trips, log in from anywhere at any time to book their own flights, rail trips,hotels, cars and destination services such as taxis or entertainment.

Jones Travel & Tours Corporate Booking

As the global travel industry’s leading technology partner, we are committed to helping you grow your business by providing innovative solutions, best-in-class support and expert consulting services.