About Us

Meet the team from Jones Travel Ltd, we are your local connection in Tonga. We actively involve locals in tourism, and help share the benefits that tourism brings. Let us help you explore our history, culture, pristine coastline, wildlife and most importantly a place brimming with friendly, warm and welcoming people.
About our Business
Jones Travel is a division of the E.M Jones Group, which has been operating since 1911. Tonga’s oldest and largest privately owned company. Jones Travel opened in 1952 to handle Air Fiji’s seaplanes, which were the first flights to service Tonga. We have since expanded our services to include worldwide airline reservation and ticketing, FIT and group travel, cargo and courier services, accommodation reservations, cruise ship shore tour excursions, currency exchange, and ground handling for special flights including air forces from New Zealand, Australia and France.
Our commitment to Responsible Tourism
The ideals of responsible tourism are a very new concept to the Tongan Tourism industry and as such, it is our intention to promote and develop the concept to all levels of the industry locally.
The socio-economic benefits that can be returned to Tonga and its people are vast. Tonga has very few natural resources that would be considered commercially promising. In addition, we have a very high unemployment rate. The natural resources we do have that are commercially viable are the beautiful weather, white sandy beaches, sparkling clear waters and an interesting and unique culture etc.
Responsible tourism will help provide opportunities to Tongans. Including all walks of life to get involved in the industry and help provide themselves, and the country, with a brighter future.
Most people here perceive tourism as big hotels and island resorts. Promoting to them the other form of tourism, which are financially possible for them to get involved with. All having a very minimal impact on the environment, will provide positive changes to so many of their lives.
We believe that responsible tourism is the best way forward for Tonga’s tourism industry to improve the economic position of our country and its people while maintaining our natural environment and rich culture.
Meet the Team
‘Alisi Mahoni is the General Manager for Jones Travel & Tours.
“I love that Tonga is still very natural in comparison to so many other more commercialized destinations in the world. You cannot help but absorb to some degree the culture and lifestyle of Tonga, and its inhabitants while visiting.
I find the travel and tourism industry an exciting environment to work in. I’m constantly working and meeting new people both locally and internationally which is extremely important to me as I am very much a people person.
One of the most important characteristics that the industry provides for me is diversity, in that I am always doing something new and interesting. I have made so many contacts throughout my career, which have become long time friends from whom I continue to learn new things from about the world outside Tonga.
Outside of work, I am an avid gardener and love nothing more than getting out in the garden in my downtime to relax and potter around. I am heavily involved with my local church. I’m spending a lot of time working in and on associated charitable initiatives. I also love reading and swimming.”
Amazing Tonga
The traditional culture is still very prevalent in today’s modern society. Anyone can witnessed and enjoyed without having to necessarily go looking for it.
We are very proud of Tonga’s history and its relation to the pacific region and our monarchy. Our ancestors documented its history. And, still living through the teachings passed down from village elders and nobles. Always rich and enchanting with the interesting stories and also facts.
There is a great diversity in history, geography, and activities. All of the island groups are very accessible and have sometimes been likened to exploring three separate countries.
We have some of the clearest waters and best diving locations in the world. The whales visits our seas regularly, which is a truly majestic experience in its own right.
These are just a few of the things we feel give Tonga its unique spirit and appeal. Above all the natural wonders, the aspect that we are most proud of is the abundance of friendly people.